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Career and Education Options After High School
Click here for registration and course details
Help all students explore a variety of career and education options for after high school
Gain in-depth information and resources to assist your students in making these career and educational choices
Download the course and registration information for dates. Receive 17 continuing education hours and interact with other like-minded career practitioners.
There are no set times you must be logged in. A discussion-based online course, you log in when you can. Starting with terminology use, learn how to talk about certificates, applied degrees, apprenticeships, pitfalls of Bachelor Double Majors and more. Includes information on scholarships and creating improvements for your own program.
Participation: 5-week commitment
Contact Hours: 17 approved SCECH hours
Course Fee: $380
To register, return this form with the information below – fax the form to 269-657-3325 or email the form to [email protected]. Payment can follow registration.
"I enjoyed taking the course and looked forward to participating in the weekly discussions. The experience provided me the opportunity for in-depth reflection and introduced me to new concepts. Thank you for creating such an inclusive and engaging learning environment"...Joy Capers, Youth Placement Coordinator

[email protected]